STEM 选择扩展

STEM 选择扩展 Application Process

学生 who have earned degrees in certain science, 技术, 工程 and math (STEM) fields may apply for a 24-month extension of their post-completion 选择 employment authorization if they:

  • Are an F-1 student who received a science, 技术, 工程, or mathematics (STEM) degree included on the STEM指定学位课程列表 (PDF),
  • Are employed by an 雇主 enrolled in e - verify系统,
  • Received an initial grant of post-completion 选择 employment authorization based on their STEM degree.

To apply for an extension, you must properly file following the instructions listed in our STEM 选择 Canvas course (request access to this course 在这里!). You can schedule an appointment with your advisor if you would like assistance applying for your STEM extension.

As of March 25, 2024, the ISC is charging $200 to process 所有 STEM 选择申请.


在STEM 选择延期期间, 学生必须得到6分, 12, 18 month validation report that confirms the student's name, address, 雇主, 就业状况正确. 学生 can validate this using their access to their SEVP portal, 或者是y can contact their immigration advisor to confirm this validation report f或者是m.


学生 must report the progress they have made toward the training goals outlined on the Form I-983 (Training Plan) that was origin所有y submitted to the ISC. 的 student should create the self evaluation, have their supervisor confirm and sign each self-evaluation, then submit the self-evaluation page to the ISC.

  • First assessment should be submitted within the first 12 months of STEM 选择 start date
  • Final assessment should be submitted no later than 10 days after their employment end date

如果学生换了雇主, they should still submit their final assessment within 10 days of the end of their employment with the current 雇主. 然后, they will need to fill out a new I-983 (Training Plan) with their new 雇主 and submit it to the ISC.


的 law 所有ows you to be unemployed during your 选择 period for a limited number of days.

如果你收到... 你可能失业了... 总共是...
首次毕业后选择 最长90天 90天
24个月STEM扩展 额外的60天 150天


如果你的EAD丢失了, 被盗或毁坏, you may request a replacement EAD by filing a new Form I-765 and filing fee (if required), unless a fee waiver is requested and approved.  If you did not receive an EAD that USCIS mailed, you can submit an inquiry on 未送达卡片.

If your EAD contains incorrect information that is 不是因为移民局的错误,你必须提交:

  • 新的I-765表格,
  • 的 filing fee, if required (or a request for a fee waiver),
  • Any documents specified in the form instructions,
  • 包含错误的卡片.

If your EAD contains incorrect information 因为移民局的一个错误, we will make the appropriate correction at no additional cost to you. In these cases, you do not need to submit a new Form I-765 or a filing fee. 相反,您必须提交:

  • 的 original card containing the error,
  • A detailed explanation of the card error,
  • Supporting documentation on the correct information.

将此信息提交给 服务中心 or National Benefit Center that approved your latest Form I-765.

无论哪种情况, if we receive your application or request for a replacement EAD and you no longer have any basis for applying for an EAD or employment authorization, we will not return the card and will notify you that you do not have a current basis for applying for an EAD or employment authorization.

请注意, dependents of certain foreign governments, 国际组织, NATO personnel are not required to pay a fee for a replacement EAD.

注意: If you have questions regarding a pending application for an EAD or employment authorization, please see our website for information on when and how to 联系美国入籍与移民服务局. You can also contact the ISC office to ask any questions you might have about a lost EAD card.

Cap-gap Extension for F-1 学生 with Approved H-1B Petitions

If you are an F-1 student with a timely filed H-1B petition and change of status request, your F-1 status and employment authorization will expire before the change of status to H-1B occurs (typic所有y October 1), you may be eligible for a cap-gap extension. 去我们的 USCIS Cap-Gap扩展页 了解更多信息.


You cannot apply for a STEM 选择扩展 if:

  • 你进入了美国.S. 持F-1签证, but did not follow such regulations as completing a full course-load each quarter, 或者保持你的文件有效.
  • You have worked without permission in the United States.
  • You do not have a degree in a designated STEM field
  • Your 雇主 is not enrolled in E-verify, 或者是y are unwilling to enroll 


For more information about the 选择 process, please request access to our STEM 选择扩展 Canvas course. 然后, if you have any further questions about practical training, contact the 国际学生中心 at (206) 296-6260 or 的 美国入籍与移民服务局网站 also provides a wide range of information about 选择, EAD, other immigration questions.

If you would like assistance with resume writing, 面试技巧, 或者其他的求职策略, 请与 职业发展办公室 或者是 阿尔伯斯就业中心 (针对阿尔伯斯的学生).