Advising, Registration and Orientation

Attend an Advising Appointment 

New transfer students sign up for an advising appointment with a Transfer Academic Advisors. The advisor will assist new transfer students with choosing and registering for their first quarter classes. Once students have submitted the Course Preferences Form via the new student checklist, a Transfer Academic Advisor will save seats in courses indicated by the answers provided. Then students meet one-on-one with an advisor to review those courses during a Transfer Advising appointment. In addition, during that session students will be introduced to academic advising services.

Students who have paid their confirmation deposit will be able to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor and submit a course preferences form via the "Engage Academically" section of the new student checklist.  You can access the checklist here (you will be prompted to login to your application portal).


Orientation details will be available in June. Please stay tuned!

For questions about orientation, please contact the Orientation Programs at or (206) 296-2525.