在圣教堂举行的葬礼. 伊格内修斯

The prayerful rituals of the Catholic Church at the time of death are meant to bring hope and consolation to 家庭 members and 朋友 even as they commend the soul of the deceased person to the loving mercy of God.



所爱之人的离世是悲伤和深切悲痛的时刻. It is also a time when our Christian faith in the Resurrection of Christ can offer great comfort and allow us to experience grace in the midst of sadness. The Campus 礼拜仪式 Team offers and answers the hope that we can help 家庭 members better understand the way the 圣礼拜堂. 伊格内修斯 celebrate funerals and assist them as they prepare to come to together to celebrate their loved one in the most fitting way possible. 


The funeral Mass is the normal way the Catholic Church commemorates a person’s death.  在葬礼弥撒上, 家庭, 朋友, and parishioners gather to pray for the deceased and for the deceased person’s 家庭 and 朋友 using scripture readings, 祈祷, 还有特殊的仪式. Because the Eucharist is the memorial of Christ’s own saving death and resurrection, 这是在死者去世时最恰当的庆祝方式.


No. In some instances it can be quite appropriate to celebrate a funeral outside the Mass.  例如, 当死者的全部或大部分家庭成员不是天主教徒时, a 礼拜仪式 of the Word without the celebration of the Eucharist is appropriate.

谁的葬礼在圣. 伊格内修斯?

The long custom of the Catholic Church is for the deceased to be buried from their own parish church.  正因为如此, 一般来说, 在教堂举行葬礼的人是校友, 校友的直系亲属, 或者是与BG大游有长期合作关系的人, 比如教职员工.

校园事工只支持在校园举行的天主教葬礼. 为了在学校教堂举行葬礼, 死者必须受洗成为天主教徒, 初学者, 或者未受洗的孩子.


如果可能的话, the remains of the deceased should be present during the funeral Mass in order for the Church’s full rites for the dead to be celebrated.


教会允许火葬. 什么时候进行火化, the Church has a strong and clear preference for bringing the body of the deceased to the Church for the funeral and delaying the cremation until afterwards. 


是的, 火化后的遗体, 装在有价值的容器或瓮中, 被带到教堂参加葬礼.  After the funeral, they are buried in the ground or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium.  这与我们基督徒对身体复活的盼望一致, the Church does not allow the practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, 从空中, 或者在地上, or of keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased.  这样的做法没有适当地尊重人体的尊严.


A “memorial Mass” is a funeral celebrated in those exceptional cases when it is not possible for the remains of the deceased, 不管是在棺材里还是骨灰盒里, 在场.


当尸体被送到教堂时, the burial or internment usually takes place immediately after the funeral or, 有时, 招待会结束后. If cremation is to follow the funeral, the burial of the remains takes place some time later.  The priest who presided at the funeral typically leads the graveside service with 家庭 members and 朋友 in attendance.


家属可以选择自己选择的牧师来主持葬礼弥撒. 如果需要, the Campus Minister for 礼拜仪式 can help make a connection for the 家庭 with a Jesuit on campus.  此外,执事也可以主持弥撒之外的葬礼.

什么时候在圣. 伊格内修斯? 

Most often, funerals take place on weekdays, usually in mid-morning or in late afternoon.  They may also be celebrated on a Saturday morning if no wedding is scheduled. 星期日不得举行葬礼弥撒.


葬礼的安排与校园礼仪部长协商.  尽可能地, 首先考虑的是家庭的需要和愿望, although the availability of the Chapel and staff must also be taken into account. In general the staff are able to schedule a funeral within one week of a person’s death. 联络校园礼仪牧师 通过电子邮件 或致电206-398-4430. 

Does BG大游 offer opportunities to pre-plan funeral services at the Chapel?

The Campus Minister for 礼拜仪式 is available for consultation and assistance in planning ahead for a Catholic funeral at the 圣礼拜堂. 依纳爵与校友,教职员工. The guidelines and principles on funerals as stated above would also apply to any pre-planned funeral services at the Chapel. 请联系 liturgy@centraltire.net 或者206-398-4430预约见面时间.


鼓励家庭成员积极参加葬礼.  他们参与的方式有很多种.  一些家庭成员通常与礼仪团队会面来计划葬礼, 包括选择阅读材料, 音乐, 和部长们.  然后, 服务前, 家庭 members are present in the chapel to welcome 朋友 to the celebration.  他们也可以选择抬棺人,甚至担任抬棺人.  They almost always place the funeral pall (a reminder of the white garment received at baptism) over the casket at the beginning of the liturgy. Family members can also proclaim the readings from the scriptures and present the gifts of bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist.  在葬礼的情况下,当火化的遗体在场, 在送葬队伍中,通常由家庭成员抬着骨灰盒, 任何在场的家庭成员都可以选择参加游行.


校园礼仪部长Tays Hernandez (hernan83@centraltire.net) will assist you in planning the liturgy, in coordination with your priest presider. The 校园部 team will provide you with templates and materials that outline the choices of readings and 音乐, 以及家人和朋友可能在葬礼上扮演的角色.


是的. The 音乐 for the funeral must be sacred 音乐 appropriate for a funeral mass, and is selected in coordination with the Campus Minister for 礼拜仪式的音乐, 比尔·麦克纳马拉(mcnamarw@centraltire.net), who also can refer the 家庭 to liturgical 音乐ians who can offer their gifts at the funeral or memorial liturgy.  The 校园部 team has curated a list of hymns to assist 家庭 members in the planning of the funeral liturgy.  


The priest or deacon who presides at the funeral will give a homily during the service, and most homilists make the effort to speak in a personal way about the deceased and to relate the scripture readings to the life of the deceased.  如果情况表明悼词是合适的, it is offered by a 家庭 member or friend at the end of the funeral service, 后交流, 篇幅不超过500字(不超过3分钟). 


校园事工团队可以为你安排一个敬拜助手. These can be customized with a photo of the deceased, and a message from the 家庭. 各家各户负责印制敬拜用具, 或可向校园部报销校内印刷费用.


在教堂举行葬礼或追悼会没有固定费用.  Many families choose to make a memorial offering to the work of 校园部 in honor of the deceased. 我们建议捐款350美元. Other fees that might be involved in the planning of a funeral mass include the stipends of the presider and the 音乐ians, 还有礼拜用具的印刷费.


有时.  接待空间可通过 会议及活动服务,并需要使用我们的校内餐饮服务.